

Vüqar Muradovun rəsmləri

Vugar Muradov

1967 -  November 18 - Born in Baku city Azerbaijan Republic
1982-1986 - Got his education at Azerbaijan State Art School named after A.Azimzade, Baku
1997 - The member of "Artist Union" of Azerbaijan
2001 -  Personal Exhibition at the Embassy of France in Azerbaijan, Baku 
2001 - Contract on creative activity was signed with the company "Lambris International", Holland
2004 - Demonstration of the works at "Expectations" film, "MANA" company, France
2006 - "Turksoy-9" The joint Administration of Turkish Arts and Culture, Turkey
2006 - "Vugar", Personal Exhibition at the French Cultural Center, Baku, Azerbaijan
2007 -  Member of FECO (Federation of Cartoonists Organisations)
2008 – International Art Festival – Denmark

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