

Zionism And The Lords Of Deception

By Ramzy Baroud, Editor-in-Chief of Palestine Chronicle

The shrewdness of the Zionist Israeli government is beyond imagination. 

Israeli leaders have managed to outsmart the world in the way they conduct politics. One of their craftiest and most successful epics is the myth of Zionism as a positive ideology that has contributed to the preservation of Jewish nationalism and Jewish interests. 
The argument is too simple, an ideology that resulted from mixing Fascist European teachings and Jewish racial supremacy with a light touch of early Zionist creatively and manipulation, can never be positive. Although many don’t even dare to repeat the thought in their heads, save uttering it in public, the Zionist ideology is pure Jewish racial supremacy, not Jewish nationalism as some claim. What else would you call ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people, and the alliance between the Israeli government and religious institutions to keep the Jewish race pure? Such purity is the ultimate and the most determining factor that distinguishes an Arab from a Jew in Israel, or a Jew from a more or less pure Jew.

It’s appalling that such blunt racism is dealt with so openly, as if it is just a normal affair that every nation has the right to embrace if it wishes. The endless debate on "who is a Jew?" which is often featured in the New York Times, and which occupies the time and efforts of Israelis in the government, media and religious institutions, is perceived as if it is merely innocent cultural dialogue.

How many Americans are going to be happy if they hear that the US government, churches and media are busy debating how can they keep the "white" race pure, and that every new immigrant to this country has to present a certificate proving that he is the descendant of a white family, otherwise he has no rights for citizenship, no rights for ownership, no rights at all.

In Israel, this has and will always be the case. Yet the aggravating double standards make many of us pass through this disturbing fact as if no harm was done.

The relations between the Zionist settlement in Palestine and the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians is an issue that was put forth repeatedly by the leading Zionist intellectuals since the coming about of the notorious movement.

No one can state it clearer than Prominent Israeli visionary Yeshaauahu Ben Porat. In 1972, Ben Porat was quoted by the daily Israeli newspaper Yediot Aharanot as saying, "There is no Zionist settlement, and there is no Jewish State, without displacing Arabs and without confiscating lands and fencing them off."

In 1973, David Hacohen, Israeli Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Knesset clarified that the issue of displacing Arabs was not simply meant to use Arab homes for Jewish immigrants from Europe during the WWII. The reason is much simpler. It’s simply because, "they are not human beings, they are not people, they are all Arabs."

The Israel government confirmed and adopted the racist principals of Zionism in 1950, when the Israeli Knesset passed the Law of Return.

The deceptive name is meant to generate an emotional reaction of an innocent like you, but the law has in reality given Jews from all over the world the right to go and live in Palestine with full citizenship privileges. On the other hand, it passed the Absentee Property Law, seizing the land and properties of Palestinian refugees who were expelled or forced to flee.

Understanding the shameful reality of present day Israel can be furthered by pondering this quote by the respected Jewish writer Uri Davis: It is "not only the Palestinian non-Jew who is excluded from his or her rights to an undisputed citizenship. Large categories of Jews are similarly excluded: Jewish bastards, Jewish persons born to non Jewish mothers, Jewish persons born to Jewish mothers who converted to another religion, and non-Jewish converted to Judaism by conservative or reform rabbis as only Jewish orthodox conversion procedures are recognized in Israel."

Despite all of the this, Western media still raves and even proudly praises the racism of Israel, dubbing it often as the "Jewish State". Those who "dare to speak out" against such vulgarity are rebuffed by the same media who is quick to unleash the ever successful strategy of Anti Semitism, a deceptive tactic that is meant to defer the world’s attention from the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, and the murderous campaign launched against them.

Thanks to the naivete planted in people’s minds by decades of media deception, and thanks to the intimidation and constant harassment of intellectuals and ordinary citizens who question Israel’s racism and brutality, not so many people question Israel’s policies.

What does anti-Semitism have to do with Israel’s human rights violations?

Aren’t Arabs and other nations Semitic as well? How can an Arab be anti Semitic? Anti himself?

Why is racism applauded in Israel and criticized elsewhere?

What sin have the Palestinian people committed to be driven out of their lands and "fenced off"?

Why is the American government funding an apartheid state like Israel?

Who is more deserving of American tax money: racist settlers equipped with automatic riffles chasing behind Palestinian children in Gaza’s refugee camps, or America’s poor, America’s welfare programs, disease research centers, and under-funded schools?

Doesn’t the Bible state, "blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied"?

Let the Quran, the Bible and the principals of truth and justice be your guide, not the endless lies of Zionism and Zionists, who are with no doubt, the worlds’ masters of deception.

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